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Why won’t my new sponge bar insert into the machine? here's one possible cause
knitting machine tutorial - how to remove and install a sponge bar
This is why your machine won't knit | Replacing the sponge bar in a Brother 950e
taking spongebar end clips off & on
Machine Knitting. Changing a sponge on a sponge bar
#knittingmachine #realtime #DIY #knitmaster #scarletpeate How to repair & fit a new sponge bar. Chat
Machine Knitting Tips: Replacing Your Sponge Bar
How to replace you knitting machines' sponge bar
Why You Can't Smile In Passports 😐
Knitting Machine Tutorial - How to Replace the Sponge Bar
I-cord replacement for a spongebar
Testing new sponge for plastic hobby machines